Sick of It! is a project to amplify the voices of incarcerated disabled people, and provide education about the ways disabled liberation and a world free of cages are intertwined.
We are a group of abolitionists and disabled activists working to build connections between the free world disabled community and those behind bars.
Along with a zine featuring writings about disability justice, strategies of care and work submitted by our incarcerated community, we coordinate a penpal project to connect disabled folks inside to outside disabled penpals! We believe that support from other disabled people is vital to surviving and thriving as a disabled person.

This project was dreamed up by Fierce Invalids and the Inside/Outside Collective.
Disabled liberation and prison abolition must go hand in hand. Not only are disabled people imprisoned at higher rates, not only do prisons directly create disability through trauma and medical neglect, but the prison and the institution (emergency room, psychiatric hospital, “group home”, nursing facility) are both a means of controlling those who are deemed deviant and whose bodies are noncompliant, and who are systematically denied support at every turn.
by @jtknoxroxs